Thursday, 18 September 2008

Cirrus Diamond Nine

Well, it did happen! We flew the first ever Cirrus 9-ship formation on the 17th September. Great job by all, especially Steve Noujaim who led probably the highest number of people ever airborne in a Diamond Nine formation - 26! Many thanks to everyone who contributed to make this possible.

Many thanks to Simon Reed of ITL Video has finished his 'spare-time' video of this event. Three parts available on YouTube . Search "Cirrus Diamond Nine', or click here....

Video Part 1 Video Part 2 Video Part 3

Instigator and Organiser - Jon Butts aided and abetted by Ultimate High

Cirrus Diamond Nine and "Cirrus Alpha" formation leader : Steve "Nouj" Noujaim.

"Cirrus Bravo" formation leader: Charlie "Chas" Mcilroy

(IIRC Charlie was instructing at RAF Central Flying School when Steve was a student there - this was some 20+ years ago, and illustrates the kind of experience needed to lead something like a Diamond Nine formation. Leading the join-up of four Red Arrows into a Diamond Nine at 190 knots closing speed as part of the day job... ...that kind of thing helps too.)

C182 Camera Ship Pilot - Ian Seager

C182 Camera Ship Photographer Damien Burke

C182 Camera Ship Video - Simon Reed

Extra 300 Camera Ship Pilot - Phil O'Dell

Extra 300 Camera Ship Photographer -Mike Jorgensen

"Embedded" Photographer - Karl Drage

Aviation Insurer without whose support this could not happen - Tim Proctor, Haywards

Aircraft made available across the Six and Nine ship events by- FreeFlight, Private Owners, Cumulus Aircraft Rental, and TAA Ltd

The weather was not kind to the photographers (low light due to overcast) yet this was still officially the 'best' weeks weather of the last 15 weeks (a.k.a 'summer 2008').

Diamond 9 running in for fly-by at Kemble

Intersted (seriously) in a future Cirrus Formation Event?
Get in touch via this blog, or via Ultimate High.

Jon Butts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm interested. Only a private pilot but I'm a good one.
